WZIG On-line donations
Donations are tax deductible Recommended Donation: $25/mo (auto donate each month).
$10 (one-time only)
Morsel: $25 (one-time only) Click the DONATE button then "Use your credit card or bank account" Help pay for the music that we adore (Moose pays this every year):
and Global Music Music rights cost $1235
ASCAP Music rights cost $800
SESAC Music rights cost $875
SoundExchange Music rights cost $1000 The above costs don't get Moose any CD's or downloads, only permission to broadcast it. It helps pay the artists.
Moose's automation or streaming computer $600
Moose's antenna $2800
Moose's transmitter, rack and battery backup $9,400
Transmitter electricity for a year $720
other equipment $4,200
One-time Donation
($100 suggested; you say how much)
Palm Harbor Radio Inc. is a non-profit IRS 501(c) Charity and donations are tax deductible. Woo-hoo! Questions? Please be very patient - this is a one-dog operation. Auto-donate subscribers who want to make a change can Thank you! |